Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dont Take Things for Granted

A number of years ago I received a call from a dad whose son experienced a brain injury in a car accident. The son was the only survivor, his three friends died in the accident and this had profound effect on his son. The parents had moved into the son's house because he needed their assistance to do the simplest of tasks. The problem though was the son had not been paying the mortgage nor did the parents realized this so were very surprised when the Sheriff had notified them that they were being evicted. They heard of me somehow and made contact. The problem I have at times is that I really want to help everyone I come in contact with. I tried desperately to acquire an investor but timing wasn't right. It was a short time frame and I approached very potential investor at the time but to no avail.
I advised them that it was unfortunate but I just couldn't help them.
Then all hell broke loose. This father who came across as a gentle soul called me and threatened me to hang me by the b_lls. (you have to use your imagination) He later wrote an e-mail calling me every name in the book, threatened if he ever saw me in his town that he would tear me apart, limb by limp.
It's sometimes interesting how easy it is to misjudge people. As they say, sometimes things work out for a reason. There might have been more to the story as to why they were getting evicted. I might have had a very difficult tenant. I might have saved myself time and abuse by contacting the lender to understand why an eviction was occurring to this older couple who just experienced a sad situation with their son. Where is the empathy? In reality, I was being taken as the idiot. Lesson well learnt.
Moral of the story, don't take things at face value.

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